Our Daily Routine

At Rye Park Nursery School, we are committed to providing a nurturing and enriching environment that supports the holistic development of every child. Our daily routine is designed to foster a love of learning, encourage independence, and promote the strong social and emotional skills that are so vital for future success.

Session times

Morning session - 8.45am - 11.45am

Afternoon session - 12.30pm - 3.30pm

Full day hours - 8:45am - 2:45pm

Additional time can be purchased for lunch club 11.45am-12.30pm, and after school 2:45pm - 3:30pm, subject to availability.

Welcome and Arrival

As children arrive, they are greeted by a member of our dedicated team, who helps them settle in and get ready for the day. The children are encouraged to hang up their coats and bags, find their names, and self-register before engaging in activities.

Circle Time

These times are adult-directed, we gather the children together for short sessions in small groups, where we explore a range of focused activities.  

Child-Initiated Learning

We believe in the power of child-led exploration and discovery, so we offer the children extended periods of time for child-initiated learning. During this time, our staff members actively engage with the children, supporting and extending their learning through meaningful interactions. The children have free access to both indoor and outdoor learning environments, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in activities of their choice.

Rolling Breakfast and Snack Times

Our snack time is a valuable social experience, where the children can choose when they are ready to enjoy a healthy snack. The snack area is always supervised by an adult, and we use this time to develop the children's independence skills, such as pouring their own drinks, self-serving cereal, chopping fruit, buttering toast and even washing up.

Lunchtime -This is our time where we sit together, encouraging children’s conversation and social interaction, whilst they enjoying eating their packed lunch from home. It is a lovely social time with our friends. 

Story Time

We end each session with a cherished story time, where we often focus on our core texts, poems, and rhymes. This is a time for the children to come together, listen, and engage with the stories that capture their imagination.

Home Time

At the end of the day, our staff members ensure that each child is safely released to their parent or carer. We operate a password system to ensure the children's safety, and a member of staff is always present at the main entrance to support a smooth and secure dismissal.
